Monday, March 14, 2005

Get Price Quote Web Service

Get Price Quote - URL GET

Input: Page count
Output: Price ($8,65)

Description: Using an HTTP Get call simply pass a "pagecount" url variable to The result will be a Price. Pretty simple huh? Example

Lessons Learned

So we have now gotten some new lessons from our blitz of ordering last week.

1. PDF's larger than 70 meg will make the system choke.
This happens due to the way we handle the PDF's, PrintFu loads up the PDF in memory to do various tricks to it, then spits out a new copy. PrintFu will bark an "out of memory" error. I will look in to a work around... Thanks to Anderw M. for this one!

2. Paypal's Refund system sends an "Instant Payment Notification"
I didn't expect this one at all. Our system waits to hear back from PayPal when someone pays for a manual. When PrintFu hears from PayPal the system converts the Print-Request to an Order. Well when I did a refund to Rob G. PayPal sent a notification with the cost being "-13". This threw the system for a loop.

Thats all the learning so far.