Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Yummy has been Killed!

Due to various legal reasons (DAMN THE MAN) Yummy has been shut down. I would like to thank everyone that contributed to this great little side project, it was a great few months. Unfortunately, with the legal issues, the server traffic and my lack of time, I have decided to stop it all. If you still want to find PDFs check out PrintFu's PDF search at http://www.printfu.org/index.cfm?mcAction=search.pdf

Now, if anyone out there is interested in taking the brand and running with it, contact me. Hell, do a google search for Yummy! and it's the first one. So if you want to build a better yummy, I will help.

Now, if you liked Yummy, your going to love Futodo, Kick Ass Time Management. I will be releasing it soon in beta and by invitation only. If you would like to be on the initial invite list email me at Brandon.corbin@gmail.com

Thanks again!!!!! B


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you give a bit more details about the legal issues. I mean, yummy was just a way to share PDF file URIs. What is the problem with that? Isn't that similar to using Google with the "filetype:pdf" switch?

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, I will miss Yummy. This is why it pisses me off that you had "legal issues"...

10:40 AM  
Blogger WB said...

Well, more or less, some people freaked out when they found their PDFs on yummy. They were getting bombarded with hits etc. So they (8 to be exact), had their lawyers (or at least they tried really hard to act like lawyers) write me a nice letter telling me, that if I do not stop they will sue me. Normally, I would say "SO SUE ME YOU PUTZ", but with my currently life situation, I just do not have the time to battle for the yummy of it.

10:51 AM  

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